Champion Force Program Policies
Parents should read this information carefully. It will help answer any questions you may have and inform you of our class terms and policies. Please note: when register your child for one of our classes, you are agreeing to these terms and policies.
What to Wear to Class
Athletes should wear comfortable gym clothes that they can move easily in and wear supportive athletic shoes. Hair must be tied back and no jewelry should be worn. No gum or candy will be allowed in class.
No Spectator Policy
We ask that parents wait outside the teaching area to minimize any distractions. At the end of each class, your coach will invite you in for the last 5 minutes to have the athletes show you what they have been working on and for any updates on upcoming events. Parents, family and friends will be invited to attend “Parents Night/Awards Night”, which is usually held the last night of class of the season.
Your CFA Coach will reach out the week your class starts via email to go over the check in and pick up procedures that have to be followed for the season. Please note that not all facility guidelines are the same and its important that we respect the requests of the buildings we rent.
Class Cancellations
Notifications for cancellations, class changes, or class information will be made via email, text message, or Facebook. You may also be contacted directly by your coach and/or CFA Office.
Please be sure to include a current email address and phone number in your student’s profile. Class cancellation notices and notification of new seasons will be emailed to that address. In addition to providing up to date contact information please make sure you DO NOT unsubscribe to our text or emails. Once you do this you will NOT receive ANY communication from CFA.
We are guests in the facilities where classes are held and we expect our coaches, athletes, and parents to respect the facility. All children in the waiting area must be supervised at all times. At no time is it permissible for any person to roam the halls or other areas of the facility. FOOD AND DRINK ARE NOT PERMITTED. Again, we are guests and any inappropriate behavior or disrespect in these facilities could ultimately result in our program being terminated in your community.
Your CFA Coach will reach out the week your class starts via email to go over the check in and pick up procedures that have to be followed for the season. Please note that not all facility guidelines are the same and its important that we respect the requests of the buildings we rent.
All CFA staff and volunteers undergo extensive background checks every two years, are mandated reporters and complete an abuse prevention orientation yearly. No persons are permitted to represent or work with our athletes without a background check or abuse prevention training. CFA has a strict NO one-on-one policy, all interactions with athletes must include another coach, parent or be in a group.
Champion Force will supply teams with practice mats if your facility does not supply them. Champion Force requires that any stunts, pyramids, and tosses be performed on an appropriately matted surface. Appropriate is defined as: minimum of 1-3/8 inches thick and total mat area must supply flyer with enough coverage; if a fall were to take place in any direction around the stunt group, the flyer would always land on a matted surface. All tumbling must be performed on a matted surface.
Concussion Protocol
- If a coach suspects that an athlete has experienced a concussion, that athlete is to sit out until a physician has cleared them. This might be a difficult decision, but the health of the individual is the most important thing to keep in mind. Coaches should never put a kid at risk for the sake of the routine or a performance.
- Athlete and parent awareness of a concussion is key. Athletes should be aware of how to prevent a head injury and should know to speak up when they are injured.
Always report the injury to the athlete’s parent and remind them of the signs of a concussion and to seek medical attention if the athlete does show symptoms.
- When a concussion is diagnosed, a medical release form is required from a doctor in order to return to practice. Some doctors might give specific restrictions as to what the athlete can and cannot do. Coaches should always follow doctors’ orders regardless of whether the athlete and/or parent feel it is appropriate or not.
- It is important that coaches are aware of Second Impact Syndrome. This is when a second concussion happens before the first concussion is fully healed.
Refunds and Transfer of Payments
- Merchandise purchased through the parent portal (athlete’s online account) that has been picked up from a class location is no longer eligible for a refund or exchange.
- Merchandise purchased at events is not eligible for a refund once the product leaves the merchandise area.
- Competitions & Clinics are non-refundable or transferable.
Class Payments
- Payments for classes may be transferred to another class location or season due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Pre-paid classes are non-refundable when missed, but a makeup class may be offered. If you have pre-paid classes and will not be able to finish attending, you may call Champion Force Athletics in regard to a refund for classes not taken. You must be able to provide proof of payment, whether it is a receipt or by providing the last 4 digits of the card used to process the payment. Please allow up to 2 weeks for the payment to process.
- If you paid your class fees to a Community Ed or a Parks and Recreation, you must contact them in regard to their policies on refunds.
Merchandise is available to purchase through the parent portal. All merchandise is optional for Recreational Levels; only for competitions does Champion Force Athletics require certain uniforms to participate. Elite level athletes must check with their coaches for additional required items.
- Verify all orders for accuracy and sizing at the time of pick up.
- No returns or exchanges will be made after items leave a class location.
- Orders may take up to 4 weeks to arrive at your class location.
- Be sure to keep your merchandise receipt as proof of payment until you receive your order.
- For questions or concerns about your orders, please contact your coach or
Cheerleading Program Policies
Divisions 1-4
If an athlete misses a class, the absence can be made up. Schedule your make up class by contacting your coach. Make-up classes do have to be paid for unless you have pre-paid for classes that were missed. Though weekly attendance is not mandatory to hold a spot on a Recreational Level team, we ask that you keep in mind that this is a team sport and weekly attendance is appreciated. Regarding stunting safety, the head coach may decide to limit an athlete’s involvement in a stunt group if that athlete has missed too many classes.
Divisions 5-8
These are Elite Level teams and attendance may be made mandatory by your head coach in order to maintain a secure position on the team.
Champion Force Athletics offers division advancement opportunities. Athletes are eligible at the age of 5 to tryout at the beginning or end of each season. Athletes must be at least 7 years or older to tryout for an Elite Level team (Divisions 5.4-7). Your coach will inform you of the tryout date and criteria. Tryouts has a cost of $10 in addition to the $10 registration fee and/or class fee.
Your coach will make team placement decisions based on athletes’ skill evaluation, attendance, ability to follow direction, as well as the athlete’s disposition. A coach may ask that an athlete advances to the next division prior to tryouts if they feel the athlete is not being challenged in their current division.
Competitions & Events
Champion Force Athletics offers competitions to all of our students in every class throughout our states. During their weekly classes, athletes will learn a cheer routine to perform. Competitions have a participation registration fee. This is a pre-registration event. Late fees will be applied after the deadline date given. Every athlete that participates will receive a medal for performing. Placements are awarded to teams after every team performs per division. Each division has a specific uniform that is mandatory to compete at Champion Force Athletics competitions.
- Competitions for Divisions 1-4 are optional for each athlete. However, it’s strongly suggested, as the class is learning as a team. We at Champion Force Athletics strongly believe the experience that competitions offer is a great way for children to learn teamwork and to build their self-confidence.
- Competitions for Divisions 5.4-7 are mandatory.
Athletes are eligible for CFA competition until they graduate from High School. An athlete is eligible for CFA competitions regardless of age as long as they have NOT graduated from High School. Athletes that have dropped out of high school are NO longer eligible. After graduation, athletes are eligible for that year’s National Competition and will be the last event for which they are eligible. Exceptions: If a student is 16 years of age or younger and has graduated from High School, they may compete through the year of their 17th birthday. If a student graduates High School at the age of 17, they are NOT eligible past that year’s Nationals.
Camps & Clinics
Champion Force Athletics Cheerleading offers stunt and tumble clinics throughout the year for athletes to receive additional training. There is a registration fee to attend CFA clinics. These events are strongly recommended for skill advancement, team building, and safety.
Champion Force Athletics runs a sweepstakes fundraiser every season for all of our athletes to earn CFA Credits. Credits can be used for classes, events, uniforms, and other CFA merchandise. Divisions 3 and higher are permitted to participate in individual team fundraisers that are approved by the CFA Directors. Participating students must sign a permission slip before persons are eligible to participate in any fundraiser. All money earned through CFA team fundraisers is expected to be used toward National Cheer Competitions. If a team would like to use funds for any other reason, the coach must contact the CFA Directors for approval.
CFA Bullying Policy
Read our organization’s bullying policy.
CFA Sexual Abuse Prevention
Read our organization’s sexual abuse prevention policy.